My Little Brother Rocky


I'm a good therapy dog!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thank you New Kent Animal Hospital

Thank you New Kent Animal Hospital for making me better.  I know you tried to save my tail, but couldn't.
I think I like my new look.  This bob might be a new fashion statement.  You never know.  Thank you to Drs. Pinkleton, Engel and Putt for taking such good care of me.  Also thank you to all the vet techs who held me, loved me and made me comfortable.  Love and sloppy kisses, CJ

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm sad today

Today we went to visit my friends and one man that I like a lot wasn't there.  His room was empty.
I looked and looked for him, but couldn't find him anywhere.  Mom said he probably moved to a better place.  I want to visit him, but Mom said we can't.  It makes me sad not to be able to visit him anymore.

I get my stitches out tomorrow.  Maybe I'll stop looking like a giant flower.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The other labs are making fun of me!

They took my bandage off yesterday, but they are making me wear this collar.  I had to slink out of the vet's office because the other dogs were making fun of me.  The doctor said my stitches come out on Thursday.
I hope they take this thing off soon.  Mom says I look like her little Morning Glory.  What's a Morning Glory?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bad news at the Vet.

Mom said we got some bad news at the vet today.  My tail is not getting any better and the doctor said it has to come off.  You know, I knew something was not right because my tail smelled different (worse than usual).  I was right.  The doctor said, even though we tried our best, gangrene has set in.  I'm beginning not
to like going there.  They are real nice and all, but it hurts every time I go.  Mom said we have to go first thing Monday morning for an operation.  Are they going to make me sleepy again?  Mom & Dad are real sad today so it must be a bad thing coming.  I need my friend Cody to make everybody smile again.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We went to the Vet today.

We went to the Vet today and Mom looked worried.  The doctor said my tail is not healing like they would have liked so they gave me more pills.  I like getting pills because Mom gives them to me with peanut butter.  I have a good time licking it off the roof of my mouth.  The doctor told Mom that she wants to talk to another doctor tomorrow and then she will call her.  They said that they may want to re-stitch the wound or amputate.  What does that mean?  Whatever it is, Mom's face dropped, so it can't be good.  I'll let you know tomorrow when the doctor calls.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm doing much better!

Mom took me to see the doctor again today and he took the stitches out of my tail.  It still hurts a little and Mom says I hold it out like a radio antenna (like I know what that is).  Anyway the doctor says I'm doing much better.  He changed my bandage from neon green to blue.  I think that's more manly, don't you?
I have to go back again next Tuesday for another check.  Is my boo boo ever going to heal?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Had to go back to the vet today.

The doctor checked my waggle and said I was doing fine.  NO NEEDLES TODAY!  HURRAY!!!
He put the neon yellow bandage back on until next Tuesday.  I still can't go to work until the stitches
come out.  Hope my friends don't forget me.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sorry it's been so long.

Well friends, I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote anything.  Mom's been really busy, but I finally told her "Mom, sometimes you just have to take time to roll in the grass and pee in the woods".  I had a really bad day today.  Mom was taking me to Pup N Suds for a bath and while we were going in the door, the door closed on my tail.  Don't laugh because it's not funny!   I didn't yell or cry or anything, so Mom didn't know that I was really hurt.  When she started to wash me, she noticed the blood and started to panic.  You haven't seen anything until you've seem my Mom panic.  She grabbed me up in a towell, which is no small feat cause I weigh 70 pounds and took me to the vet.  I was really scared, but I didn't let it show.  They put me to sleep and then put stitches in my tail.  After I woke up, I was so groggy that I couldn't walk real good.
I really wanted my Mom & Dad, but I was in a cage.  After a while, Mom came to get me and took me home.  Boy oh boy did I get loved and petted and rubbed.  Now I've got a big yellow bandage on my tail.
I might even glow in the dark.  The doctor gave me some pills to take and told Mom to bring me back in 10 days.  I'm not sure I want to go back there.  They stick you with needles and make you drunk.  Mom had to call my friends and let them know I can't come visit them tomorrow.  I think they'll be sad.
I'll tell Mom to let you know how I'm feeling tomorrow.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

He talked to me!

Hi friends.  Remember me telling you about the man who smiled for the first time when I visited him.  Well,  guess what?  He talked to me!   Hurray!!  I don't know what he said, but it doesn't matter.  He talked!!
There was another man in the room who kept asking Mom how old I was and how much I weighed.  She would tell him and then after a few minutes, he would ask again.  Guess he was trying to trick her up.  Anyway, he also asked Mom if I had any F- L -E -A -S.  I don't know how to spell, but Mom said I didn't.
Do you think it's something bad and he didn't want to hurt my feelings?  Should I worry about it?  He also wanted to know how I got along with C - A - T - S.  What the heck is that?  I get along with everyone!
I overheard my Mom & Dad talking last night.  They said I had a special gift.  They said that I was just what they always wanted and it was all because of my trainer.  Her name isValerie Paul and I like her.  She let's me kiss her and sit on her lap.  She scratches my ears and lets me play with Cody.  Cody is her special gift and he's my friend. 
I had a bad night a few nights ago.  There was this thunder storm and I got really scared.  I couldn't help myself and I have to pace and pant and try to hide.  Mom got up and let me lay on her lap until the storm was over.  She didn't get much sleep, but neither did I.  I hate being scared.  Are there things that you're scared of?  It's not fun.  Mom have me some pills, but they didn't help much.  I could still hear the thunder and see the lightning.  Mom need to find me some ear muffs and blindfold, but them I might bump into the wall.  I don't know what the answer is.  Do you?
I'll let you know how my week is going.  Sloppy kisses to all of you.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just being lazy

Mom and Dad were gone this morning, so I spent my time laying on the couch.  They'll never know.
Anyway, on Wednesday I went to see my friends at the assisted living home.  They were all happy to see
me.  I gave one nice lady a big, sloppy wet kiss and she put her hands on both sides of her face and said
"Oh My!".  What do you think that meant?  I'm always willing to give kisses.  It's my favorite thing to do,
well, except maybe eat.  Yes, eating is absolutely my favorite thing, then kissing.  I'm glad my friend Cody
is feeling better.  He needs to come see me real soon.  I need the exercise.  It's hard keeping up with him.
I try, but it wears me out.  See you later, friends.  I think they're going to feed me now.  Well, it's about time!~

Friday, June 4, 2010

Keeping you up to date.

Tuesday was bath day.  I needed to get all prettied up for my visit to see my friends on Wednesday so Mom
took to me Pup N Suds in Mechanicsville.  They sure are nice people there.  Now as you now, I'm not a little guy so having a nice big tub is great for soaping up.  They even cut and file my nails so that I don't accidently scratch anyone. People seem to like it when I smell sweet.  I don't know why.  I think I smell just fine.  Anyway, we went to visit friends and they seems to have been looking forward to seeing me.  It's not hard, you know.  All you have to do is wag your tail and they think you're real cute. There was one man who
seemed to be so sad.  He was sitting in a wheel chair just looking down so I walked up and put my head in his lap.  He smiled at me.  Then he took my head in his big hands and laughed right out loud.  The nurse said
that it was the first time she had seem him smile since he had been there.  We just looked into each other's eyes and we made a connection.  Maybe next time he'll talk to me.  I'll work on that and let you know if it happens.  My Dad's sister came to visit this week and brought me a toy mouse.  It doesn't squeek!  Guess she didn't know any better.  I miss my friend Cody and wish he would come to visit me.  Cody is a labradoodle which makes him part like me and part leapster.  He can really jump high.  It's easier for me to go under something.  Maybe I'll teach him how to do that.  It's takes a lot less energy.
That's all for now.  Sloppy kisses to everyone from CJ

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yesterday's Visit

You know, I'm beginning to recognize places we visit now.  As soon as Mom pulled into the driveway,
my tail started to wag and I could feel myself getting excited.  The people at Meadow Glen have become my friends and they look forward to my visit. One really nice gentlemen couldn't reach down to pet me, so I put
my head on lap and wiggled my nose underneath his hand.  I understood it was the best he could do, so I helped him out a little.  I wish I could tell him that it's ok that he can't scratch my ears.  We still bonded.

Friday, May 21, 2010

What a Great Day!

Today Mom took me to a new place called Meadow Glen.  It was so nice there.  Lots of people to scratch my ears and rub my belly.  Some people even let me give them doggy kisses.  My tail never stopped wagging the whole time I was there.  Every time I finished visiting one person, there was another one to visit.  What a life! I can't wait to go back again.  Although, I have to admit, when I got home I was so tired that I had to take a little nap.  Mom said I did a good job.   All you have to do is sit when Mom tells you to and people think you're really smart.   How about that!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

They liked me! They really liked me!

I had a great time visiting Morningside.   My tail couldn't stop wagging.  So many people scratched my ears that I was in heaven.  I even got a few belly rubs.  It was wonderful being the center of attention.  I can't wait to go back and see everyone that I met again.  Mom said I was a real good boy and it must be true because everyone else said so too.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bath time and getting ready for the big day!

This morning, Mom & Dad took me to Pup N Suds in Mechanicsville.  They were real nice there.
All I had to do was walk up a ramp and into a tub.  Mom scrubbed me up real good and then put
some conditioner on my coat.  Then we went over to the dryer.  Hold on to your bows, girls!  This
thing really puts our some air.  Boy oh Boy!  I shine like a new penny now!  I think there was some
extra strut in my walk this afternoon.   I'm ready for my big day tomorrow!!   I'll let you know how
it goes.   Keep your paws crossed!

Friday, May 14, 2010

We're going to be making visits

I now have all my paperwork done and my picture is on a card that Mom will wear around her neck.
She called a few people and told me that we're going to start making visits next week.   I have to get a
bath on Tuesday though (yuck).  We're going to visit Morningside on Wednesday and Meadow Glen on Friday.   I can't wait to get my ears scratched.  Do you think they'll give me belly rubs?   I hope so.
I'll let you know how it goes.